I hate Everything About You->(Dedicated to all my x-girlfriend)
I hate everything about you…You know why…Because when you want me you’ll will say you love me…But after you got what you want you yell at me…
I hate everything about you…You wanna know why…Because i am always stay by your side whenever you need me but…When i need you and something that i want…You left me without any reason…
I hate everything about you…You know why…Because i love your family same like i love my family…But you since to hate my family and didn’t resect my family…
I hate everything about you…You wanna know why…Because every single second i keep on thinking about you and sincere to you…But you even i have give you all that you need…you keep on entertaining other eople(especially man)huh…went out with other boyfriend while i am suffering in my dull life…
So darling…remember what goes aroud turns around.You will feel what i feel…The God is Fair to other s..Remember.
Once Brothers Forever Brothers(Dedicated to My Best Friend That I Think Will Never Be A Friend Anymore)
Once we knew each other i have already believe that we will be brothers…Never put in even a small prejudice and always trust in you…We always support and never fought each other…
Even we studied in a different class we will stay up together to reach our goals…All of your friends were also my friends and all of my friends were also your friends…I ate what you ate…and i drunk what you drunk…
We believe in a same way of life…cry together laugh together…You and me are the same…That’s what we always say…
But now,it was different…I am your worst nightmare and also your worst enemy.You turn your back at me…Hate me as you hate your enemy…but still don’t know why is it happen…
Dear friend…If i have made any mistake…please tell me…Even it will brake my pride…even it will brake my heart…I will do it as long we can be like the past time we do…We always said that don’t be a coward…don’t mess with each other…But now what have you done…You broke my heart into pieces…You left me aside without reason…
And lastly my friend,I apologize for all the mistakes that i have done…Even though i don’t know what it is…If i made you piece off…And even we can’t be like those past days…Please forgive me and please let the past be gone…Because we only live once and we never know when we will end our lives…TQ for being a good friend of mine and one more time i hope that you will forgive me for all the sins that i have made until our relationship ended like this….
~~Bean Moreno~~
"Bautiful Liar"
Do we aware that we are surrounded by the most dangerus weapon on earth.It still remain as dengeous weapon but we still need it.It was called GIRL or what should I say,"Beautiful Liar".Maybe some of you will think that i am crazy but it is a fact.But actually not all of the girls are "Beautiful Liar".
As in a normal life one of the most guys weaknesses was "Beautiful and sexy gilrs"HAHA..All guy will seek for a beautiful gilrs for their couple but do they think that sometimes they were used by the beauty of a girl...For me i have experience getting used by this "Beauiful Liar".That's why i said that not all of the girls outside there were really serious and sincere to their relationship.Todays many of the girls didn' have the sincerity in their love an relationship.
Some of them just want us only for their part time partner.Some of them will love you if you have money.And a part of them will only come to you just for fun o what should i say for SEX.HUHU...They were really slicky and smart.They wil use many tactic to make you fall in love wil them espeacially their most powerful weapon is their beauty. They will seduce us with their beauty and sexiness just to get what ever they want from you.And after they have success an satisfied in their mission they will leave you behind and fine another victim.
So guys beware of this "Beautiful Liar".If you love somebody make sure that she was not categorized as a "Beautiful Liar" bacause they can ruin your life.
Appreciation No More...A tribute to Nurin Jazlin

Blood Brothers Ceremony(Muar)

This is the picture that very precious to me because what that i have planned a long time ago can be done last night.This is a reunion of all my brothers after a long sleep.But this is only a part of us.I still have a couple of boys that can't attend this ceremony.
It was very fun and we have a good chat in a couple of subject.Thanks for my "brother" in Muar that can make this plan happened and we was very glad with it.Thanks for all of my guys that can come and waste your time to have this ceremony.Hope we will make a difference in our life and i hope all of you can give 100% commitment to our next project.
So come on brothers we have to show something to somebody that hate us.Open their eyes and let them see that we are something and can make it happen.I just need your commitment.
Honey I betrayed you...Sorry...
Honey,first of all i am very sorry because i betray you at the first place.I didn't mean to do this to you but i have to do this to make myself feel happy.You were very precious to me but sometimes you make me feel sick of your attitude and i perforce to find somebody to make me feel good.But believe me my ba,you are still in my heart and i still love you eventhough there is somebody that can me feel happy.
I hope you will forgive me for all that i have done and never think to leave me behind.I just hope that you will understand my situation and hoping that you can change your attitude and pray for me.Believe me that only you that i really love and if there is another girl in my life it is just a place where i can forget what ever you have done to me and nothing more than that.
I need you to know that i ned you in my life an what ever that i have done is just for our relationship.I just don't want to argue with yu.I just want to to evade us for fighting each other.I hate when you said that i only think about myself.For your information every night i keep on thinking about you and how i can make ou happy.
Hope one day you will unerstand my feeling my lovely baby...
Love that passed by
I have a sad story that happened to my friend.He got somebody that he really love and he will sacrifice his heart and soul to win her love.But the main thing is he scared to express his love to that girl.They have known each other for i think almost 4 years and none of them really have the guts to express their feeling on how much they love each other.In other words cowards.
They keep on dating and and do what ever couple do but still havent express their love.One day,his girlfriend have a nightmare that really touch her heart and she cried all night long after she got up from the bad dream.In the dream she went to see his boyfriend and this is the dialog of her dream.
Boy : "Hye darling,maybe this is the last chance for us to meet each other because after this i will go to a far place that we can't meet each other again."
Girl : "What are you saying.Where do yu want to go."
Boy : "I also didn't where is the place.I only know that it is very far and we will never can meet each other.At that place i can run as far as i can and i also can fly high."
Girl : "Stop talking nonsence.I dont believe it ant how dare you want to leave me alone."
And then the boy flew away and leave the girl alone.And in the dream The girl scream as loud as she can to call her boyfirend back.
The next day the girl meet the boy at the same place as in her dream.The boy are wearing the same cloth as in her dream.Without wasting anytime,the girl ask...
Girl : " Darling what is your feeling towards me.Did you have any feeling to me.Did you love me as your special girlfriend or only as a friend."
Boy : " I don't know."
Girl : " Why."
Boy : " Because i really don't know how am i gonna express what actually my feeling towards you."
Girl : "Its ok.If you didn't love me.I just wanna know what is your feeling towards me."
Boy : "Sorry i came here just wanna tell you that i will be leaving tomorrow.My parent send me to Australia to further my study.And i want you to be at the airport tomorrow for the last time."
Girl : "Hm...I will come if i can make it tomorrow because i have to attend my friend party."
The boy was very sad because actuallytomorrow he will tell that girl how much he loves her.But her answer was very frustrated.
On the departure day,the boy was waiting for his girl to come but until the time has arrived the girl never show up.He was very frustrated and gave her mother a letter to give to the girl.Meanwhile the girl was enjoying her self at the party.
Suddenly,while she was enjoying herself at the party she watched a report on the tv saying that the flight to the Australia was crushed and she remembered that the boy was on the plane.She was really shocked abd immediately go to the boy's house to meet his parent.When she arrived to the place the mother gave her a letter wrote by the boy.
In the letter he wrote.....
The content of this letter will be revealed in other episode of this sad love story...
When Love Turns Down...
People see that love is a beautiful thing.Love is everything.And love is exciting.
But can you see that sometimes love is a burden.Love is an enemy.And love can be a destroyer.
Love can be beautiful if you can find the correct path to make it beauty....
But sometimes love can be horrible if you make it in an astray way...
Love is everything when you are willing to sacrifice your importance...
And love can be nothing if you just wanna have fun with it...
Love is exciting if you enjoy your love with your love one...
But it will become the worst nightmare or burden if you do it for lust...
Love can be very nice friend when you take care of it...
But it can be your enemy if you waste it...
Love can be a saviour when you look after it...
And it can be a destroyer If you were lingering over the beauty of it...
So remember,Love is easy when it run smoothly and it can be hard when you didn't discover what actually love is....
///bean moreno///
Now this hideous and disgraceful method was used again in our moden and high tech era.We can see that people are using people to get what they need.They just give order and get what ever they want it to be.Even we worked in an executive level we were also used to make their live better.
Why did i think that way,you look now.Even we work hard to achieved our goal,but we haven't get any benefit from our hard work.All the capitalism only use our strength and sometimes our time to make their life comfortable.Many of our rich man get all their property by using other people sweat.People worked hard to strive and survive in live but they still didn't understand what people want.The only think what they want to buy and what they want to eat.
They will never respect what we want and what suppose they give to use.For them we are not more that a beggar that cadge for life.They only take care of us if they want us to do something for them.If there are nothing to do with us,they will simply throw us away.They will never ignore us.
I am very sad to see people used their own race just to make their lives richer and richer.They use us same like they use machine.They operate us like our body contain grease not blood.They always think that we are like robot that can operated 24/7.Even robot have to be rest to make sure it can be operated smoothly.If we take MC they will never believe but they will say that we are lazy.But did they they about our welfare.Thats why i call them Human Machine Operator.
Ramadahan was one of the month that all the Muslims will fast.They will endure their their selves from eat,drink and do all the dirty work.Only in this month we can see Muslim people clean up themselves.Many of people just see ramadhan or fasting as tired month.If we study about the ramadhan we will see that all the thing that we do in ramadhan got its own overbalance.
For example we endure ourselves from eat and drink.In this way we can clean our womb from food toxic.In this month we can relax our womb from working because it has been working for 11 month.hehehe...In ramadhan also we can train ourselves to do all the good thing and gain reward(in religion) from God.
In Ramadhan we can see and know what unity is.All muslim will cooperate to finished many work together.They help each other such as cooking together and pray together.Ramadhan can give us many benefit and can train ourselves to be a better person mentally and also externally.So appreciate your Ramadhan.
Simply come and simply go...
Easy to get and easy to blow...
Easy to find but hard to know...
Can be weak and can be strong...
Can be right and can be wrong....
Can b red and can be brown...
Every time we Think about love...
Feelings can become extraordinary...
can change our life become disciplinary...
Can turn sad to happy...
So appreciate your love one...
It's hard to find somebody to love you...
but it's easy to make somebody to hate you...
express your feeling and then you'll know...
- Bean Moreno-
We really enjoy our vacation there and we hope we can organize another trip together and have fun in a team.And i will remember all the things that we have done together in my life even though it was happen only for one day.
So in the next post i will put all the photos the have been taken the whole day in our trip to SUNWAY LAGOON.Viva ma friends...


To Make Your Girlfriend Conscious
Can you imagine,why should a CSR do a Technical Report(TR) to assign a technician.Why should a CSR do that for???Is it necessary...They ask us to do many things that w should not do but never increase our salary but deduct our salary.Is it fair to us.We worked hard to achieve their satisfactory but id they take care of our welfare.Th answer is NO!!!
Is it fair to people like us....Isn't it call capitalist.Isn't it called oppression.Damn company...
How do you feel if you face this kind of person.I am really sick of him.Seriously he was really damn ungrateful.Actually this person came from poor background of family.He also start his job same like me and same like us that is CSR.But now he got promoted to another level.And his salary also increase.
Before he got promoted he was quite damn good.Always consider about people's feeling,always took care of others people need.But now,what he cares is only his money.Always like to blame other people and like to make hanky panky with other people.If people make a little mistake he will write email and send to operation manager.STUPID right.I don't know what happen to him.May god show him what that he has done was wrong.
Once an elephant along with his father goes to the house of a female elephant his father had chose for him.
after having all the stuff there,he says he doesnt like the girl...why????
ANSWER:-because the girls complexion was dark
Once an illiterate person went to write an exam.He was writing his paper and suddenly removed his clothes and the supervisor asked him why have u removed YOUR clothes .then that person said cant u read dat it is said that ANSWER IN BRIEF.

These are the best scene in Malaysia National Day.It was captured in the middle of Putrajaya city.It was very happening and ended with a peaceful scenery.No mess No fuss...
One of my cousin give me one project.The project value was around 2.5 million but my commission is only RM150,000..ONLY RM150,000...Its a big money right but do you think that i will get the money easily.The answer is NO!!!But i promise him to help him.So i will help him a bit.This is one of the improvement that i achieved today.People ask me to do business...But i have to think about the risk before i make the business.
But after you you have find a true love an when you really wants to get the love that you need it is hard to maintain.And sometimes after you have sacrifice the things that you love most the love can pass by without you know.You can love everyone madly but can you guaranty that the person you love will love you same like you love them...Just think about it...
Tonight is a boring night and i still writing to express my feeling and show what i face during my day.Still can't get out from my situation.I am confused.I am very sick.Everyday keep on imagine that i am rich get what ever i want.nut until now i still can't find the way to my dream.Only dreaming and dreaming without a sleep.
Working hard for their future.
Do what ever it takes to survive and find a hard time for their life.
While the rich keep on rich an richer.Keep on saying and giving their order.
Didn't mind what would happen to the poor.Keep on oppressing people using their power.
Oppressor power...Keep on oppressing every hour...
Oppressor power...Oppressed...oppressed...Thats their power...
can't you see...All the working lads are working...
Pay us that only enough for one to eat...
Use us for the need of their life...
open up your eye and see...
Your money came from our body sacrifice and all that you eat came from our sweat that bleed...
See the stupid in your head
Acting like a pussy
Killing all the guts you got
You don't even fight when your enemy not satisfied
You think about disaster
But all you do is crying all night
Hey you, where, your guts
Things won't change if you keep on fighting all night
Hey you, where, your guts
Fight for your right
Repeat again
This is the best song that i very like.Even i am not a skinhead anymore but this song keep on motivating me to get a better life.Its keep on motivating me to change my life and feeling.Everytime when i am feed up with my life,i will listen to this song.
With this song i become strong everyday.It teach me o be brave and don't scared with the enemy.Just keep on fighting for my life.Stand for my own right and voice out the things that i want.
So just read this lyric and feel the joy of your right.And when your have fought for your right but you down,you will feel very satisfy and brave.
People keep on calling.people keep asking you the same solution until sometimes you feel like they are very dump but in the actual life,and the real situation i realize that the main problem is the company.Wants to gain larger profit but also want to cut cost.How stupid they are actually.
They drive an exclusive car and relax in their office.We work very hard for them but still driving old nissan sunny.How bad...hehehe...They life in a big house but i am still staying in my mum's house.They never cared about my life...my wellfare...
People say to get money is easy but for me its hard to gain money...Money...Money...Everyday i am living without improvement.Need to pay all the bills and expanses but the paycheck that i received isn't enough for living.People says money can buy anything including love.Is it true...
I am still searching for a better life.searching for a better earning but still cant get it.How am i going to live in this materialistic world.Money makes me tired...Money makes me realize that i need to search for a better life.Show me how???!!!
Man will become crazy if they keep on searching for money.Money is important for us but we must remember that make money work for us not we work for money.Don't give our whole life just to make money.I would like to open our mind about money.Money can ruin our life.With money people can buy things and remember with money also people can buy love and also it can buy people.We can bribe people to get something and also can sell their self and pride just because of money.
POWER...In the modern era like now,power is important.you can be well known in the country and even in the world if you got power in your hand.With power people feel that they can do anything and sometimes they will use their power to crush other people importance.They will never think about what people feel.They just think about their self just to get power.When they got the power they will oppressed other people.Just to get name they will do what ever it takes but they didn't recognize that they also will get a lot of enemy when they get the power.
Women...The last thing that can bring men down is women.This is the last and most powerful factor that can make men weak.Now people can make their enemy falls down with women.it is because when we love a women,we will do anything to get her love.Even an ego man also will become weak will a beautiful women.They are willing to fight each other to get women 's love.They also will mortgage their pride and money to get a women that they love.
Remember my fellow just watch out for these 3 things.If you still swung by the wind of these 3 things please wake up and change.
For me as a CSR i have been through a lot of things to give the best effort to my job.It is easy for me to satisfy what customer need.Customer only wants to talk with you...customer only want you to settle their problem.Even how hard their problem,we just talk and talk with confidence and we can make things went easy and even we can't settle the problem just talk and customer will satisfy with you.
One another thing to satisfy is to satisfy your own self.its a bit hard because you have to do all the same and everyday.you have to settle the same problem and it will goes around all the day as a CSR.You can get satisfy if you can settle customer problem.You can get a satisfaction if you get better salary.So dull and boring...All the same thing.But sometimes i can't hardly think that why people still face the internet connection problem.Everyday the same caller call you and tell you the same problem but at the moment they can settle it by theirselves.So what the hack...
And the last thing and i very hard to get is to satisfy your company.Yes it is true we have to impress our company to get better salary.but what the hack if they keep on changing the procedure every week and if the boss is crazy they will change the procedures everyday....What the hack...If we were a proggramable robot they can simply program us but we are just a normal human.They just simply added new procedure for us to do.Never think about us. They want us to give the best effort but they didn't think that what they have done is very stupid.How can we fullfill the company satisfaction.its nonsence.What they know is adding knew procedures and also reduce our money.
They should make a better service but not a stupid procedure.
So how can we satisfy what we have to give our effort.If the way still like this...Maybe we can get satisfaction only for a short term of time.And for time to time the satisfacion will fade away because of the company and all the $%^%$*& procedure.
One of the important thing and also one of the worst thing in this world is LOVE.Love can be a sweetest dream and also can be your worst nightmare.But without love,we can't breathe...we can't speak and we also can sleep...Love can make us from weak to strong...From down to up...From stupid to intelligent but remember people also can become positive to negative if they only depend on LOVE...
Just read this lyric about love and you can find what is actually love...
The Lyrics:
love, love will fill your heart
love will break your heart
love will heal you broken heart
what's love??
love is what make the world go round
love can lift you up, it can tear you down
love is a sweetest joy, the deepest pain
love id effortless, needs work to maintain
love can make you stupid, love can turn you dumb
make you forget where you at, where you come from
love it's a many splendid thing
love can be forever or just be a fling
love can began with a smile
love between a mother and her child
between siblings, love between friends
the power to heal hearts, to make amends
love filled with laughter, end in tears
fear can stop your love, love can stop your fears
love the one above, make you stand tall
one love, it's all love, love one, love all
- Gerhana Ska Cinta-
From the lyric we can know that there is many positive things that love can do and it also can bring tears and can make somebody 's life suffer. If we love somebody,please love with all of heart.Don't make fun of people feeling because from love it can become hate.Love with all your heart and feel it by your soul.Love also can bring happiness to us and also will bring a better love.It is because if we love somebody we will pray all the good things to the one that we love and they also will pray for us.
But remember,love is not only for man and women.As in the song,We can also share our love with our mother,siblings and family.We also should have love feeling with our friends because we can find another man/women to change our love that gone but we can't replace love feeling from our family and friends...Good lover is easy to find but remember good friend is hard to find.
Hopefully readers can think about love and please appriciate the love that we have from the lyric bove.
Some people keep on doing the same thing without thinking that it will become worst and worst...they make mistake by mistake...error by error...and never want to do changes.Day by day the mistake become worst and they can leave the mistake.
It is right to do mistakes but we should always aware and should always remind ourself to avoid doing the same mistake.We are human and can't run from doing mistake everyday but we should prepare ourselves and avoid doing the same thing.
For example if yesterday we forget to pray for our own life so when today's come,just pray so that we can improve ourselves and become better.Avoiding doing the same mistake can make us a better person because we remember what we have done in the past.
So,never forget the past and please wash your dirt...